About Us

Our Founder’s Story

From the years Jim spent being a professional Santa, he’s heard many stories from the children that come to see him. Over the years, there’ve been many heart wrenching stories from children asking for things as simple as a blanket to keep warm at night, to a simple wish that their father could find a job to help keep their families together. Even a wish from a child who found out that their favorite aunt was dying of cancer and was asking for help to save her truly touches Jim’s heart.

A couple years ago, a little girl came to sit on Santa’s lap and asked for something as simple as a blanket to help keep warm at night. It seemed to Jim that, as Santa, there must be more that could be done than simply handing out candy canes and saying, “I’ll see what I can do.” While there’s nothing wrong with handing out candy canes, when it comes to truly helping the kids, there’s nothing more gratifying than seeing the look on their faces when Santa reaches in his bag and gives them exactly what they’re asking for, for Christmas.

Jim was blessed with a little extra money one Christmas that afforded Santa the opportunity to do exactly what Santa should be able to do — and that’s to help fulfill children’s wishes, no matter what age they are. The first time Jim was able to help out was with the Castro Valley choir. They were invited to sing at Carnegie Hall in the Spring. Jim learned that some of the children didn’t have the funds necessary to participate and make the trip. So, Jim anonymously donated a sum of money to help as many of those kids as possible.

In another instance, Jim donated time and funds to a fundraiser for the Black Diamond Children Center in Brentwood, California, sponsors of a homeless shelter for women.

What really tore at Santa’s heart strings was a mother who adopted two little girls who are mentally challenged. The mother was laid off from her job and was unable to afford to buy the kids the bike that one asked for and a computer for the other. Not to mention the burden on her to be able to pay her bills and put food on the table. With the help of Mrs. Claus and some of her friends, we were able to make sure that the girls got exactly what they wanted for Christmas and made sure there was food on the table and their bills were paid. In Jim’s words, “To me this is exactly why I want to do this.”

It is Jim’s wish to eventually be able to set up a scholarship fund to help kids who can’t afford to get into a trade school and make their dreams come true. This is truly what being Santa is all about, it’s about putting a smile on a child’s face and in making a difference, because Every Little Life Matters.

Many of these wishes and dreams may never be fulfilled, especially the families that are either separated by divorce, lack of jobs or suffer from illnesses such as cancer, but if there’s any way that we can make a wish come true or make a difference in a child’s life — not only would it put a smile on their face, but one in our hearts as well.